
Shawn Mackin's

Forever Thin Signature Program

A 12-week program to help you get back in control of your health, lose weight (the right way), and implement sustainable strategies to keep it off for good. 

Are you done with the generic weight loss plans that only promise you to lose weight quickly but not forever? This 2-phase program is built to take you out of the “diet brain” and help you start thinking like your Forever Thin self.

Schedule your Strategy Call with Shawn Now

A FREE 1-hour phone conversation about where you are, where you want to be and how you’ll get there.

Are you beginning to wonder if you could ever become the person you envision and starting to think “this might be it- you are meant to be forever overweight?

You’re sick and tired of all these quick fixes and weight-loss promises out there and you’re ready to make this your time and do it right?

You are not being taken seriously when it comes to achieving your weight goals and now you are doubting if it is even possible?

You are not alone.

 70% of the American population is going through this exact same thing. What makes matters worse is $100’s of Billions is spent on products and services to help people lose weight quickly, but every year they are making more money and people are getting bigger.

Weight loss has become a product. Here is the deal… You are serious about losing weight because at the end of the day,

Weight loss is a part of living a balanced life. It is a humanitarian need, not a product.

The weight loss industry isn’t working because they just give people plans, pills and programs. Losing weight for good can’t be found in a plan, pill or program. It is found by listening and trusting your body.

You can’t put 100% of the blame on yourself for not losing weight because most of us have been trained since childhood to not listen to our bodies, but to listen to the “professionals”.

But Now you do have the choice. You can choose to keep following some “professionals” new plan, new diet, new pill, or new program…

Or you can finally learn to listen to yourself.

YES? Keep Reading…

Like 70% of Americans, I was overweight and always on a diet. I had a dream to be 140 pounds (I stand at 5’9). It was a weight that was considered ‘healthy’ on a BMI scale, but more importantly, I had a vision of what I was supposed to look like and it was thin. Not too skinny, but not overweight… it looked “normal” to me.

I tried so hard and nothing worked.

I tried what felt like every fad diet, and spent countless hours working out, and spent $1000’s on “healthy” and “organic” foods. 

But eventually I quit.

If this is what it took to be at a “healthy” weight… I didn’t want it anymore. Trying to lose weight was like a never ending cycle and I wasn’t living my life the way I wanted. I wanted to enjoy other things in my life… such as being with friends and family during the holidays and not worried if I was going to gain weight the next day. 

I wish that I could say that after quitting the diet and the intense workouts that I never gained a pound again, but that wouldn’t be the truth. In fact, I gained over 50 pounds in just a few short years. Did I live my life happily? I did. 

However, I still had a vision for my life. I still wanted to be thinner and not at risk for weight related illnesses, but I knew that going on a “diet” wouldn’t help me, and I chose to search for the truth…   

I found mindful eating.

I found the power of listening to the body. I found freedom from the weight loss industry and have been carving a path that will inevitably lead to my naturally thin weight. The best part? I have not sacrificed living my life. 

In fact, I am living my life more than I did when I first met my husband and had kids. Which is why I have created this business. 

I am so passionate about this because I know what it feels like to work so hard and see no result but I also have found freedom and felt like I’m losing weight effortlessly.

It is possible to live our life how we are called and to be naturally thin. In fact, our body is craving it. Our body wants to be balanced and live fully.

My Signature program coaches you to transform your mind and your body. It rewires your brain from the idea of dieting and trains you to think in your naturally thin brain. It will transform your relationship with food so you are able to live the life your body dreams.

unpacking the forever thin signature program

It’s not a one size fits all at FTSP. You will get a 1:1 Coaching experience where we will talk about what you are connecting your life with my 5 mindful eating steps. You will learn how to think about food before you eat, after you eat and learn the foods that serve you.

Just like it says, Unlimited email support. Yes. In the next 12 weeks you will get me. You have a question on how to do something? You just cant figure it out but it isn’t our hour to chat? Email me. I am here for you. Not just that, but I am going to be emailing you. New thoughts, different perspectives through out your day to help you grow and be more curious about becoming your forever thin self. 

You will also receive access to the exclusive Forever Thin Signature Program Facebook community where you can access additional support videos, assignments, meal plans, recipes and ongoing community support. This is also a tool to keep you accountable as you will have to post your daily “New Thought” in the community.

What People Are Saying...

Schedule Your Weight Loss Strategy Call with Shawn Now.

A FREE 1 hour phone conversation about where you are, where you want to be and how you’ll get there.

This is FOR YOU IF:

1. You are done with restricting diets and long strenuous workouts

2. You are ready to be done with weight loss once and for all

3. You are ready to live your life and achieve your weight loss goals

I have learned so much from my sessions with Shawn. She is very professional, sincere, and really listens to me regarding my week and plan. She has helped me do more in depth with my views and thoughts on eating and food. I've developed a new outlook on my relationship with food. Shawn has helped me not to look at food or eating out as restrictions, but to enjoy handing out with the people I love. She has also helped me develop confidence in myself that I can & desire to be the person I've wanted to be.

What are you waiting for?

Schedule Your FREE Weight Loss Strategy Call with Shawn Now.

A 1 hour phone conversation about where you are, where you want to be and how you’ll get there.